Thursday, February 17, 2011

Marital Rating Scale- Full Test

How funny is it that I find a test from the 1930's that in my opinion is still quite accurate but at the same time insanely hilarious... red toe nails--> demerit!? come on!

When I found the article of a quick clipping for just the first page I instantly decided to search to find the full test. Apparently it's not easy to find since most postings are just the first page. I hope this helps everyone.


  1. Joaquin and I both took the full test and yeah.. i rock and he sucks. go figure

  2. Hey Anna! I just found your site from Mike's blog! Just wanted to say HI!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hi,
    Just took your cute test. Great fun. Both my husband and I scored as "Very Superior" .... LOL Maybe this explains why we're still together after more than 30 years.

    Cheers and thanks for the smile!!

