Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life as we know it

We have been enjoying eachothers company every day. Life together
is better than I could have imagined and even though it has it's ups
and downs it always ends up better the next day then any day prior. I
love Anna, I have never questioned that and it is fate that we met and
magical if nothing else. I hope everyone is as lucky as we have been
in finding eachother.


From Valentines Day 2006

I found this when I was going through my photo albums on photobucket. I sent this to Joaquin when he was in Korea
in an email. He sent me flowers..
Memories and keepsakes are so nice to stumble upon. I'm so glad i'm one of "those people" who hangs on to things.

A. Leo Nash, Burning Man

I recieved this in an email for the Daily Candy and found it very neat to know that there was an art exhibit on A Leo Nash.
His work is very cool and I thought that I'd post a couple of things for you guys to see.
Great Temple(#120) (2003) A. Leo Nash

Th'Fuck Machine (#049) (2004) A. Leo Nash

Nebulous Entity (#003) (1998) A. Leo Nash

Artists come together from around the globe to comment on society through the creation of art. Nash says, " There's an honesty and defiance that exists in the work that compels the viewer, in the way that love often strikes, leaving one involuntarily disorientated or some how changed... The din and static of mainstream society invades every corner of our lives and these artists are driven to comment on it in profound and humorous ways."
Wouldn't you agree this would be an intersting thing to see?
Check out more of his work at