Tuesday, July 01, 2008

the Mochi Crunch & the Bear Bong

Dont ask me why but i call bear, "bear bong" or "bear bear"

he's bizarre and makes the weirdest noises... noises that not even my Mochi cruch makes. It actually sounds like there's liquid in his lungs-which is bad-but the doctor said it isn't.

Anyway.. how cute is he with his little army "Ruff" Sack?

Mochi's big and all grown up now. I love her little face.... especially with Bears butt in it!

The other day it was really funny, she was running around after she pooped and had a dangly attached to one of my non-digestible hair. Anyway, at the time it wasn't as funny but when it happened she kept running around in circles and i kept calling to her and telling her to "stop" and when when she finally did, she did it gracefully on my foot. Poop and all.....

lemme tell you, it was not only gross but stinky!


  1. I once met someone who has a dog that does a ritual poop dance. After she pooped, she ran super fast and also ran in circles. It was funny!

    Then another person who has a chiuaua that pees with her hind legs up if you can imagine that. I guess she doesn't like to get her snatch dirty.

  2. <33 Mochi <33 Bear <33 too bad I have 2 cats, but either way pets warm the soul..=)
